The relatives address the court
In the MH17 criminal trial nearly one hundred relatives have now spoken in the courtroom. They have described the loss of their loved ones. They have shared their sorrow, pain, frustration and in some cases their anger, but also their memories of many wonderful moments. Photos, videos and cherished objects were presented, so that the loved ones of these relatives now have a face in the courtroom as well. Today, several relatives also shared their views about these criminal proceedings and the evidence.
As was also conveyed in the summary of 24 September 2021, the statements today were candid and personal. This deeply impressed the court. Speakers opened up their hearts to all listeners and often allowed them to gaze into the depths of their souls. Each person who spoke did so from his or her own inner strength. This helped add a special quality to the way the right to address the court was exercised.
The part of these criminal proceedings in which the relatives could speak has now been completed. Written copies have been drafted of all statements and will be kept in the record of this criminal case.
Looking ahead
The next hearing day will be on 8 December 2021 and will start at 10:00 hours.
Because the court decided on 2 November to extend the deadline for interviewing the witness Muchkaev until 10 February 2022, the court cannot conclude the presentation of the investigation yet. Clarification by the Counsel for the Relatives (RBT) of the claims from the injured parties and the Prosecution’s address and sentencing requests will therefore no longer take place this month.
If it is established in the near future that interviewing the witness Muchkaev before 10 February 2022 is not reasonably likely, the clarification by Counsel for the Relatives of the claims and the address and sentencing requests from the Prosecution may take place earlier on the reserve dates scheduled (from 8 through 10 and from 20 through 24 December 2021).
In that case, the Defence will be able deliver oral pleadings as scheduled previously, and the additional tentative schedule can be adhered to as well. For that tentative schedule, see the summary of the day from 6 September 2021.